Monday, December 30, 2019

The Science Of Shopping By Gladwells Article - 1235 Words

For generations, Americans has been brainwashed by the media to believe that what is displayed on television is the ideal perception of what real beauty have manipulated American citizens of what style looks like. Furthermore, with their many brainwashing strategies, that means more and more consumers spending beyond their budget. Our perspectives have been heavily influenced by what they believe is nice, but can we afford it all? With unrealistic combination of goods in store, plazas, and mall, consuming has become a bad behavior of some. In support of my argument of the â€Å"Overspending†, author Gladwell’s article â€Å"The Science of Shopping† also argues that stores adjust to fit the needs and wants of the shopper are evidently presented. With that being said, we have no idea when we are being manipulated into unrealistic shopping behavior that is influenced by the way the advertisement is presented in visual sight. Author Gladwell gets a â€Å"retail ant hropologist† and â€Å"urban geographer† named Paco Underhill to give breakdown points of how he helps brand name stores influence consumers into persuasion of buying more. However, most of us fall short of that discipline, while being persuaded to overspend during our store visits. While reading â€Å"Science of Shopping article by Malcolm Gladwell, he brings readers into the world of a man that study been studying the patterns of shoppers for over fifteen years, which is Paco Underhill. Before reading Gladwell’s article, I knew of suchShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"The Science of Shopping† versus The Signs of Shopping- Two Sides of an Issue1802 Words   |  8 Pages2013 â€Å"The Science of Shopping† versus The Signs of Shopping- Two Sides of an Issue Shopping has become a daily activity which happens a billion times in America and around the world. We cannot imagine how our lives would be affected if shopping was suddenly stopped. Malcolm Gladwell and Anne Norton both write articles about two sides of modern day shopping: how consumers have impacted the retail industry and how the industry influences consumers. In the article The Science of Shopping, MalcolmRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of `` The Science Of Shopping `` By Malcolm Gladwell1658 Words   |  7 Pagesutilizing writing strategies to persuade readers that stores and advertisers manipulate shoppers take place in â€Å"The Science of Shopping† by Malcolm Gladwell and â€Å"Attention, Shoppers: Store Is Tracking Your Cell† by Clifford and Hardy. The author of â€Å"Attention Shoppers† uses the writing strategies of pathos, logos and the structure of the writing better than the author of â€Å"The Science of Shopping† to persuade readers that stores and advertisers are manipulating shoppers. Pathos is a useful strategy thatRead MoreThe Science Of Shopping, By George Orwell1730 Words   |  7 PagesIn a world perceived in a state of constant surveillance much like the dystopian setting of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ novel, it is expected to view the practices that Malcolm Gladwell introduced in his article, The Science of Shopping, as frightening. However, the main intentions of these remarkable tactics are greatly misunderstood and Gladwell does an excellent job of clearing up many misconceptions around this topic. For instance, he introduces Paco Underhill, a self-proclaimed urban geographer whoRead MoreBrand and Packaging8520 Words   |  35 Pagesleverage this tool to influence consumers? If packaging is so important, what is the best way to measure its effectiveness? * The Customer Equity Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of TNS (UK) which has been set up to develop the marketing sciences and support brand equity and Commitment modelling worldwide. 1 What is packaging? The definitions of ‘packaging’ vary and range from being simple and functionallyfocused to more extensive, holistic interpretations. Packaging can be definedRead MoreA Concise Guide to Market Research Using Spss71933 Words   |  288 Pagesabsence of a speciï ¬ c statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Cover design: WMXDesign GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media ( To Irma and Alexandra . Preface Charmin is a 70-year-old brand of toilet paper that made Procter Gamble the undisputed leader in the US toilet paper market. In Germany, however, Charmin was unknown

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Main Elements Of The Policy Making Process - 1873 Words

Throughout this course, we have been introduced to many ideas and concepts. All of which are important elements to the policy making process. I believe that it is important to first understand the different elements of the policy making process in order to fully understand the process as a whole. That is why my first take-away lesson is about the political, social, and economic environment of the public policy process. My second take-away lesson has to do with interest groups and the roles they play in the policy making process. My third and final take-away lesson is policy tools. What do the three of these lessons have in common? They all share a single goal on influencing public policy in some way. Throughout this paper I intend to show you just how its done. The Social Environment When it comes to the social element of the policy environment, the nature and configuration of society and its social structure play a big part. Researchers study and analyze the distribution of race, gender, age, etc. This information is easily obtainable through the constitutionally mandated censes that occurs every decade. A vast amount of information has been collected which allows the government to have a firm grasp on certain social trends of the time. This is very important knowledge to have when it comes to policy making. Since 1960, the yearly growth rate in the United States has never gone over its 1961 high of 1.67% (Birkland, 2014). What does this slow growth rate mean? It meansShow MoreRelatedGlobal Perspective on Health Policy Essay1612 Words   |  7 Pagesperspective on health policy issues can be helpful to identify how problems become policy issues and how these issues result in the creation of health care policy. The neglected epidemic of Chronic Disease also know n as non- communicable diseases are a controversial issue that needs to be addressed in the world. 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Of these models are the crime control model, the due process, model, the consensus model and the conflict model. In this paper these models are evaluated and defined, as well as each entity in the criminal justice systems role within each model. Policing, corrections and the court system all subscribe to each model in some way and in a hurried manner in cases that dictate such a response. As describedRead MoreThe Concept Of Learning Process1449 Words   |  6 Pages3. LEARNING PROCESS APPROACH David Korten stated the concept of learning process in 1980. According to him, the process of learning is continuous and involved not only planners and implementers, but rural people. The goal of this approach is to develop capabilities through developing ideas, for making-decisions and creating continual innovations. The process includes the areas of technology and organization or even a mix of both. The learning process serves an alternative to the blueprint approachRead MoreWhen It Comes To Policymaking There Are Many Factors That1361 Words   |  6 Pagespolicymaking there are many factors that go into this process. We had previously looked at the elements such as race, gender, which can heavily influence policy. We had also looked at the many actors, both official and unofficial, that can a direct or indirect effect on policy. Finally, we had looked at the many different types of policies that are out there in our daily world. All of these elements helped many people, get a be tter understanding, of what policy is, and how it can impact our lives on a dailyRead MoreThe Goals of Health Systems Strengthening1616 Words   |  6 Pagesexternal funding is withdrawn. What elements of the interventions described in this paper enhance the likelihood that they will be sustained over time? According to WHO, the definition of Health Systems Strengthening is the process of policy and practice implementation that helps the country to have better health systems and better health outcome. The main purpose of Health Systems Strengthening is to have all level function well in the system.14 There are three main interventions described in thisRead MoreZappo ¬Ã‚ ¥s Case Study1334 Words   |  6 Pagesthat Zappo’s business is done thru e-commerce and it managed to introduce itself at the early 2000’s when society had trust issues with making business online, which is the platform that Zappo’s used to create trust and enhance it’s value proposition. 1. Acquisition Zappo’s strategy for acquisition is to aim to prospect customers by: Word of Mouth - The best policy for adquiere a client trust is thru a good referral, this fact is exponentialize when applied to e-commerce Excellence in CustomerRead MoreSocial Policy is a Pluralistic Process.973 Words   |  4 Pagesinvolvement of the pluralistic process in making of social policy. The essay is divided into four main sections. It will first define the key terms as: social policy, pluralism, welfare; and describe the role of the social policy, pluralism, but also to make connection between this terms and their ideology. It will then go on to consider how social policy gets made; it can assess the extent to which different ideas actually become social policy. The different models will helpRead MoreApplication Of A Standardized Curriculum1302 Words   |  6 Pages1995; Henderson Dancy, 2008; McCormick, Steckler, McLeroy, 1995; Parcel et al., 1989; Payne, Gottfredson, and Gottfredson, 2006; Penberthy Millar, 2002). For example, Rogers’s adoption-invention continuum has been helpful to identify which elements of a reform are modified and directly adopted. Henderson Dancy (2008) demonstrate that new users often adapt and reinvent instructional tools to fit their needs, adding new characteristics that distinguish it from its planned or intended use. AlthoughRead MoreCorporate Governance : A Troubled Economy Essay1372 Words   |  6 Pagesmanagement, internal controls and governance process. The World Bank has defined corporate governance as ‘the manner in which power is exercised in the management of a country’s economic and social resources for development’ the corporate governance relates to how well an organization is managed to ensure its sustainability as a going concern. Governance is where organizations are controlled and directed. Moreover it is the procedures and rules for decision making on corporate affairs, to ensure success

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Hunters Phantom Chapter 1 Free Essays

Elena Gilbert stepped onto a smooth expanse of grass, the spongy blades col apsing beneath her feet. Clusters of scarlet roses and violet delphiniums pushed up from the ground, while a giant canopy hung above her, twinkling with glowing lanterns. On the terrace in front of her stood two curving white marble fountains that shot sprays of water high into the air. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Everything was beautiful, elegant, and somehow familiar. This is Bloddeuwedd’s palace, a voice in her head said. But when she had been here last, the field had been crowded with laughing, dancing partygoers. They were gone now, although signs of their presence remained: empty glasses littered the tables set around the edges of the lawn; a silken shawl was tossed over a chair; a lone high-heeled shoe perched on the edge of a fountain. Something else was odd, too. Before, the scene had been lit by the hel ish red light that il uminated everything in the Dark Dimension, turning blues to purples, whites to pinks, and pinks to the velvety color of blood. Now a clear light shone over everything, and a ful white moon sailed calmly overhead. A whisper of movement came from behind her, and Elena realized with a start that she wasn’t alone after al . A dark figure was suddenly there, approaching her. Damon. Of course it was Damon, Elena thought with a smile. If anyone was going to appear unexpectedly before her here, at what felt like the end of the world – or at least the hour after a good party had ended – it would be Damon. God, he was so beautiful. Black on black: soft black hair, eyes black as midnight, black jeans, and a smooth leather jacket. As their eyes met, she was so glad to see him that she could hardly breathe. She threw herself into his embrace, clasping him around the neck, feeling the lithe, hard muscles in his arms and chest. â€Å"Damon,† she said, her voice trembling for some reason. Her body was trembling, too, and Damon stroked her arms and shoulders, calming her. â€Å"What is it, princess? Don’t tel me you’re afraid.† He smirked lazily at her, his hands strong and steady. â€Å"I am afraid,† she answered. â€Å"But what are you afraid of?† That left her puzzled for a moment. Then, slowly, putting her cheek against his, she said, â€Å"I’m afraid that this is just a dream.† â€Å"I’l tel you a secret, princess,† he said into her ear. â€Å"You and I are the only real things here. It’s everything else that’s the dream.† â€Å"Just you and me?† Elena echoed, an uneasy thought nagging at her, as though she were forgetting something – or someone. A fleck of ash landed on her dress, and she absently brushed it away. â€Å"It’s just the two of us, Elena,† Damon said sharply. â€Å"You’re mine. I’m yours. We’ve loved each other since the beginning of time.† Of course. That must be why she was trembling – it was joy. He was hers. She was his. They belonged together. She whispered one word: â€Å"Yes.† Then he kissed her. His lips were soft as silk, and when the kiss deepened, she tilted her head back, exposing her throat, anticipating the double wasp sting he’d delivered so many times. When it didn’t come, she opened her eyes questioningly. The moon was as bright as ever, and the scent of roses hung heavy in the air. But Damon’s chiseled features were pale under his dark hair, and more ash had landed on the shoulders of his jacket. Al at once, the little doubts that had been niggling at her came together. Oh, no. Oh, no. â€Å"Damon.† She gasped, looking into his eyes despairingly as tears fil ed her own. â€Å"You can’t be here, Damon. You’re†¦ dead.† â€Å"For more than five hundred years, princess.† Damon flashed his blinding smile at her. More ash was fal ing around them, like a fine gray rain, the same gray ash Damon’s body was buried beneath, worlds and dimensions away. â€Å"Damon, you’re†¦ dead now. Not undead, but†¦ gone.† â€Å"No, Elena†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He began to flicker and fade, like a dying lightbulb. â€Å"Yes. Yes! I held you as you died†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Elena was sobbing helplessly. She couldn’t feel Damon’s arms at al now. He was disappearing into shimmering light. â€Å"Listen to me, Elena†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She was holding moonlight. Anguish caught at her heart. â€Å"Al you need to do is cal for me,† Damon’s voice said. â€Å"Al you need†¦Ã¢â‚¬  His voice faded into the sound of wind rustling through the trees. Elena’s eyes snapped open. Through a fog she registered that she was in a room fil ed with sunlight, and a huge crow was perched on the sil of an open window. The bird tilted its head to one side and gave a croak, watching her with bright eyes. A cold chil ran down her spine. â€Å"Damon?† she whispered. But the crow just spread its wings and flew away. How to cite The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 1, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Terror Management Theory free essay sample

We have an internal guidance system called a conscience that allows us to think and act in a way close to our deepest values. We have an independent will that does not allow genetic influences or the environment to dictate our actions. We have an infinite creative imagination that allows us to create beyond our reality but perhaps the most uniquely human endowment we all possess is self-awareness. Self-awareness is the recognition of how we feel and how we behave. It also allows us to examine why we exist and ultimately, that we are going to die. While self-preservation is a characteristic to both humans and animals, the understanding of one’s own mortality is uniquely human. How do we, as humans, deal with the terror that is associated with this knowledge? According to Terror Management Theory (TMT), developed by Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon, and Tom Pyszczynski (1989), the need for â€Å"terror management† is a fundamental function possessed by humans and cultural systems. Based on the writings of anthropologist Ernest Becker and inspired by Freud’s work on how death provokes belief in mystical transcendence, TMT can provide explanations for a variety of human behaviors and relate them to the basic reason of why humans protect themselves from mortality awareness (Magdalena Smieja et al. , 2006). The actuality that we are all going to die, one of the only certainties in life, is an on-going source of existential anguish for humans. This anguish stems from our desire to preserve life and the awareness of this impossibility. Since we cannot resolve this paradox, we use culture as protection from the fear of death. By complying with the cultural worldview that our world is safe, balanced and constant, our sense of meaning enhances and our feelings of security and self-esteem heightens. When the 9/11 attacks struck and images of death and destruction were exposed to everyday Americans, most were motivated to protect their cultural worldview and to reject anyone who held an opposite view (Florian Mikulincer, 1998). TMT emerged as the leading answer why Americans defended their national ideologies after the terrorist attacks (Navarrete Fessler, 2005). An illustration of this idea is the mortality salience hypothesis. Simply stated, if a psychological structure provides protection against anxiety, then reminding people of the source of this anxiety should increase the need for that structure (Pysczcynski, Greenberg, Solomon, 1997). For example, if a spider was presented to an arachnophobe, than the need for someone to kill the spider would be increased by the frightened individual. When our fears become a reality, we search for protection in any form. Analysis has shown that people who are in a state of emotional distress and who are reminded of their inevitable death are more attracted to strong, charismatic leaders who possess traditional and authoritarian viewpoints (Wikipedia, 2008). In a 2007 study, â€Å"work teams† were formed to determine if mortality salience causes discomfort and emotional disconnection in a more diverse group rather than a homogenous one (Van der Zee, Van der Gang). The researcher’s hypothesized that when the threat of death was presented, more negative attitudes would result in the diverse team and a longing to identify with individuals that shared cultural norms was expected. What they found however, was that regardless of the group members, when a mortality threat was presented, individuals felt negative attitudes towards everyone, including those who shared their cultural viewpoint. While this study suggests that there is no need to be around similar people during times of vulnerability, the researchers recognize that the individuals in these groups were mere observers and not actually interacting with each other. Another hypothesis that emerged from TMT research is the anxiety-buffer hypothesis. This hypothesis stresses the importance of high self-esteem and how it can shield individuals from experiencing death anxiety. Individuals with high self-esteem feel that they are an ideal example of their culture and enjoy the protection from the mortality concerns that their culture offers (Hirschberger et al. 2002). Studies that exemplify the anxiety-buffer hypothesis are those that link TMT and risky sexual behaviors. In a 2004 study, researchers noted that by making mortality salient, a willingness to engage in life-threatening behaviors, such as unsafe sex, was reported (Orit Taubman, Ben-Ari). This study suggests that engaging in risky sex represents two facets of vulnerability related to the threat of death. One is the absolute fear or extermination which is associated to having the risky sex and the other is the need to love and have intimacy, a uniquely human trait that is related to self-esteem. Basically, when faced with mortality, humans yearn to fulfill their basic needs of love, even if that means risking life itself (Orit Taubman, Ben-Ari). The studies mentioned above describe the role Terror Management Theory plays in people’s cultural worldviews and self-esteem and the negative consequences that can result from the hear of death. While the research performed on this theory is vast and extensive, an obligation to improve studies regarding TMT associated with self-esteem and cultural worldviews still remains. Creating a reliable questionnaire that fully demonstrates a person’s actual feelings and ideas is needed in order to fully understand the affects TMT has on culture and self-esteem. I fear that many of the individuals who participated in past studies were concerned with responding in a socially desirable manner and hence social desirability response bias may have lowered the validity of these studies. I intend to eliminate as much bias as possible by assuring participants that their responses are anonymous and that the questions are worded as impartial as possible. My study on Terror Management Theory will have four parts: a self-esteem questionnaire, a mortality salience questionnaire (with a control group), a distraction so that the feelings towards death are unconscious, and a cultural worldview questionnaire. By making sure the social desirability response bias is reduced, I hypothesize that participants whose mortality is salient will correlate positively to a negative attitude towards cultural worldviews that are not similar to their own.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Breaking Up Essay Research Paper Some felt free essay sample

Interrupting Up Essay, Research Paper Some felt they were a modern twenty-four hours Romeo and Juliet. The world, nevertheless, is that they were a grievous illustration of what can travel incorrect with striplings. Christian Dalvia, 14 and Maryling Flores, 13 were sweeties who were forbidden by Flores? female parent to see each other. In early November, 1995, the immature twosome met one last clip. Standing at the border of a Florida canal, they joined custodies and jumped 15 pess into the cold, cloudy H2O to their deceases. Their deceases may sound romantic to some love struck adolescents when, in actuality, it? s merely field stupid. There were likely many other grounds for their deceases, but finally, the idea of non being together tortured to the point of desiring to take their ain lives. This is a really utmost illustration of what can travel incorrect with adolescent grief. One minute they? re inseperable sharing their most intimate ideas and inside informations # 8211 ; the following minute they are faces across a crowded room or polite familiarities at best. We will write a custom essay sample on Breaking Up Essay Research Paper Some felt or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These are the effects that come along with a dissolution. We teens hear about love all around us, in music and films, on Television, in narratives. If you look in the lexicon, they define love as a stamp, warm feeling ; warm liking ; fondness ; fond regard. Love is merely a pick we make when we find person who makes us happy, and who we trust with our innermost ideas and feelings. We hear that love will do us happy. We hear that individual people are lonely. We are told that if we are non portion of a twosome, we are non complete. We all want to be portion of this thing called? love? . Okay, we get a fellow or girlfriend, now everything should be perfect. But, it? s non perfect, because life neer is. It is easy to go disappointed. Feelingss can alter. One individual may make up ones mind to state adieu. When that happens, the one left buttocks will experience rejected. Rejection means person taking between one thing and another. The 1 who doesn? t get chosen is rejected. This individual who feels rejected thinks as if they are non good plenty. It hurts. When the individual you love decides to go forth you, it is even more painful. Does rejection intend failure? No. The terminal of a relationship means that the fellow or girlfriend decided that s/he wanted a alteration in the way of their lives. The grounds for this are within the ex # 8211 ; non within the jilted individual. No 1 is a less valuable individual because their fellow or girlfriend? s feelings have changed. What To Expect Harmonizing to the book, ? The Complete Idiots Guide To Dating? , there are nine phases of rejection that about all? dumpees? must travel through. The hurting may be atrocious, but each phase is portion of the healing procedure. The phases may non follow in an exact order, but they will all be experienced. The Denial Phase: ? This can? t be happening. ? During this phase, people may happen themselves waiting for the phone to ring and non believing that the relationship is over. Some people may travel through feelings of ineptitude and compulsion. These people are 1s who lack get bying accomplishments. Solution: Acknowledge your feelings about what has happened. Accept, but make non brood on shame and embarrassment, and all the ? shouldal/woulda/coulda? s? . The Bargaining Phase: Driving yourself brainsick, believing that, ? If I get my hair cut, ? or? If I don? T call her for a hebdomad, ? s/he will alter his/her head. Solution: Accept that it? s over. The Loneliness Phase: Feeling as if no one understands or attentions. Some people will leap at the first individual who shows the slightest involvement in them, merely for the fact of turn outing that they can still acquire person to desire them. Solution: Environment yourself with people who do care, and those who openly state so. Remind yourself frequently that you are loved. The Heartbreak Phase: Feeling like your bosom is truly interrupting. You may even feel hurting in your thorax, or want to throw up when you think of the individual or see the individual with person else. Solution: You can travel on. If you? re experiencing truly bad, snarl your fingers to disrupt the idea. The Blame Phase: Indicating the finger at you or at your ex for what each of you did incorrect. Solution: Decide that neither of you are at mistake and both of you are responsible for the dissolution. The Depression Phase: Feeling sad, worthless, and foolish. You have problem feeding and sleeping and you may conceive of you? ll neer love once more. Solution: Let yourself to experience hurting but Don? t wallow in self-pity. Keep busy with exercising or undertakings. The Anger Phase: Feeling ferocious for being rejected. Solution: Experience the choler, but don? t exaggerate it. Don? T let yourself become bitter. The Acceptance Phase: Finally believing that it is over. You no longer anticipate your ex to name and you begin to experience at peace. The Healing Phase: Geting your life back. Ready to run into new people and you? re no longer brooding over your ex. These stages are all healthy ways to retrieve from a dissolution. The Wrong Moves Merely as there are ways to properly header with stoping a relationship, there are besides unhealthy ways that some of us are drawn to make. In seeking to get by with a dissolution, during the loneliness stage, many usage manipulative methods to necessitate personal power ( the freedom of pick and motion ) . Some of these manipulative methods are by traveling through the ex? s best friend and playing investigator ( is he seeing anyone? is she still upset? ) , endangering incapacitation? s ( I won? T be able to concentrate, make travel or you? ll do me down ) , doing impossible promises ( I? ll do whatever you ask, If I of all time lose my pique, merely snarl your fingers and I? ll calm down ) # 8211 ; your ex doesn? t believe these, you don? t believe these, so wear? Ts say them. # 8211 ; and eventually, by endangering retaliation like, demoing up with another miss at a party, physical force, etc. A personal illustration of this is a friend who we? ll call Christine. When school started, Christine was dating Tom who finally left her to day of the month their common friend, Megan. Christine was highly disquieted and she told Tom she would acquire back at him. She told him she would state his ma he? d been do ing drugs. Obviously, Tom got angry and told Christine to remain off from his household. As it turned out, Christine neer followed through on her menaces. They were merely an sneaky gambit to do Tom upset. This is non a mature manner of managing a dissolution, which is true for most adolescent grief. Another wrong method of recovery is harassment due to compulsion. The harasser is the individual who, for illustration, is obsessed with drive by the ex? s house or topographic point of work, calls the other merely to hear his or her voice and attempts to cover it up with prevarications like, ? I was merely in the vicinity, ? and? I think I dialed the incorrect number.. ? . The badness of the compulsion is measured by the clip that is spent on it, the grade of emphasis it causes, deficiency of control, and intervention in one? s life and duties. In terrible instances, medicines can assist. Equally many as one in 40 Americans have some kind of obsessional compulsive upset. Along with torment, physical maltreatment is yet another highly incorrect manner to manage rejection. Physical maltreatment occurs in more than one one-fourth of all adolescent relationships. It includes such things as slapping, kicking, hair pulling, shaking, and arm distortion. You may be at hazard if your spouse: ? is covetous and genitive ? controls you by giving orders ? panics you ( or if you? re unsure of his/her reactions to certain things ) ? threatens you ? force per unit areas you for sex ? gets excessively serious about the relationship excessively fast ? maltreatments drugs or intoxicant ? has done things your friends and household warn you about Peoples who are being abused are advised to avoid all possible contact with their ferocious ex. They are advised to go forth at one time, no affair what their spouse says. The abusees should speak to person outside the state of affairs, and decidedly acquire the aid they need. Peoples who are mistreating are urged to seek aid and interrupt off all contact with the individual they? rhenium abusing. Extreme depression instances due to heartbreak may besides take to physical force towards oneself. The adolescent self-destruction rate is up about 200 % in the past twenty old ages. Teens seem to leap into their relationship excessively fast, and frequently mistake infatuation for love. When a dissolution occurs, some teens feel their universe is undermining in on them and wear? T know what to make. Teens must recognize that no affair how bad things seem, everyone goes through it and everyone gets over it. All of the above methods are wholly incorrect ways to recover personal power. When trying to allow travel, one should interrupt contact and avoid hanging about topographic points where you know he or she will be. You should accept that it? s over, halt inquiring why, realize and accept your emotions, decide to allow spell of the past by remaining off from emotional traps, by larning from your errors and by looking frontward to the hereafter. Repairing The Hurt What makes interrupting up so traumatic? Often, there are many unsolved emotions, unfinished concern, and unreciprocated inquiries. If you see an ex excessively shortly, you risk triping those unsolved feelings and phantasies, which will forestall you from traveling on. This may non be easy if you attend the same school. In which instance you should seek your best to avoid the topographic points you know s/he? ll be and wear? t intentionally run into up with them. But when the clip is right, such reunions can besides be a valuable chance to work through the unfinished concern. Sometimes you? ll discover that all of the feelings of unworthiness or rejection that you? ve been harboring are overblown. Such realisations allow you to travel on to new relationships. Don? T rush a reunion with your ex # 8211 ; give yourself plentifulness of clip for the lesions to mend. When you are both ready, acquire together and reexamine what happened. Explain the things that hurt you, what you wanted, what you feared, and what you miss. With distance and a fresh position, any lingering hurting may ease, and a new love may emerge. Many of us entertain the phantasy of seeing an ex and holding him or her state, ? You were right wholly along, take me back! ? This would reconstruct your feeling that you and your love mattered, but it really merely happens in a few instances so you shouldn? t allow your hopes skyrocket. If all of these stairss are both followed and avoided, the dumped person would? ve gone through all the tearful, sorrowful, raging, self-blaming and forgiving feelings that surface depending on one? s get bying accomplishments and compromise the emotional patterned advance of stoping a relationship, and they? ve come a long manner towards their emotional healing. On The Other Hand # 8230 ; Now, we? ve concluded that teens can sometimes overreact when they? ve been dumped ( self-destruction, depression, compulsion, etc ) . As compared to adult dissolutions which tend to be more civilized on norm, teens truly hold no ground to be badly down due to the fact that they have their whole life in front of them. Adults on the other manus, have much more to worry about than adolescents. For illustration, grownups have to worry about taking attention of fundss that were antecedently shared, the consequence the dissolution will hold on their calling, and how their kids will respond. In most instances, they know what love is ( most instances ) and aren? T so immature about things. Certain, they? ll be upset, but non to the self-destructive point as teens excessively frequently are. Because kids look to their parents to maintain them safe, the deficiency of a household member could rise their sense of exposure. The parent who remains with the kid or kids has to presume the function of the other parent in the fiscal, physical, and emotional facets. From a personal point of view, grownups have a batch more to worry about than adolescents do so logically, they should be the 1s overreacting, but they? rhenium non. It decidedly all furuncles down to the adolescent self-esteem issue. It? s manner up when they? ve got a fellow and when a dissolution occurs, it plummets down and they lose control of their emotions. This is when the? incorrect moves? come into drama. If there was merely a manner to guarantee high self-prides in all of today? s adolescents we wouldn? Ts have to worry about adolescent? s being pushed to the bound by their overpowering emotions.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The 12 SAT Grammar Rules You Must Know

The 12 SAT Grammar Rules You Must Know SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT Writing and Language section is comprised of questions that test your knowledge of grammar and writing style. By learning the grammar rules that are tested on SAT Writing, you'll be preparing yourself to do exceptionally well on the Writing section, and you'll be one step closer to getting your target score. In this article, I'll explain the most important SAT grammar rules and provide related examples from the official practice tests. How to Use This Guide The SAT Writing and Language section tests you on a multitude of grammatical rules. Based on the content of the practice tests released by the College Board, many of these grammatical rules are likely to be tested on every SAT. In this guide, I’ll provide explanations and examples for the grammar rules that are tested most often on the SAT. In addition to the grammar questions, there are also writing style questions that make up a significant portion of the SAT Writing and Language section. You need to prepare for those questions, too. The information in this guide will be extremely beneficial to you, especially if you’re trying to get a middle score, starting your SAT Writing studying, or you’re reviewing the most important SAT grammar rules. If your target score is above a 700 for Writing and Reading, you should also thoroughly study the rules that are only rarely tested on the SAT. Because this new version ofSAT Writing is very similar to ACT English, I’m linking each rule to our corresponding ACT English article that provides more explanation of the rule, real test examples, and related rules that will help you do well on the SAT Writing section. The Grammar Rules You Must Know for SAT Writing Here are the 12 SAT grammar rules that you need to learn and understand before test day. #1: Select the Correct Word Based on the Context of the Given Sentence Word choice questions are common on the SAT. A word will be underlined, and based on the context, you have to select the best word to complete the sentence. These questions can be difficult because they require knowledge of vocabulary. There are two common types of word choice questions. Type #1: Homophones Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Here are some examples of homophones that have appeared on the practice SATs: fare/fair, cite/sight/site, then/than, there/their/they're, and its/it’s. You should know what each of these words means and how it's used. SAT Example The sentence is comparing the cafe to a fair. Based on the context, the word â€Å"fair,† which means an exhibition, usually with food and entertainment, is correct. There are multiple meanings of the word â€Å"fare,† but it often refers to the money you pay for transportation, as in â€Å"bus fare.† Clearly, the word â€Å"fare† doesn’t make sense in this context, so you can immediately eliminate answer choice C. Next, we need to determine if we should use â€Å"then† or â€Å"than.† You use the word â€Å"than† to make comparisons and â€Å"then† to refer to time. Because the sentence is comparing the cafe to a fair, the correct answer is B. Type #2: Related Words The second type of word choice error involves synonyms or related words. A word will be underlined and the answer choices will be related words. However, only one word will be correct given the context of the sentence. SAT Example For these types of questions, I like to quickly go through each choice to see which one makes the most sense given the context. Based on the context of this sentence, we’re looking for a word that indicates that the officials gave permission for the cat paintings to be made. The word â€Å"forced† sounds too strong in this context, and generally, you don’t â€Å"license† a painting to be made. The word â€Å"decreed,† which means to order or command, also seems too harsh given the context. The word â€Å"commissioned† can mean hiring an artist to create a work. It’s the only word that’s typically used with artwork, and it’s the most appropriate word for this sentence. The correct answer is B. It’s difficult to prepare for these questions because you don’t know the specific words that will appear on the SAT. However, I recommend using the word choice questions on the practice SATs to help you study. Also, try to identify the subtle differences in the meanings of the words in the answer choices to help select the best word to complete the sentence. #2: Use the Fewest Words Possible Typically, the shortest grammatically correct answer choice that expresses the same information as the original sentence will be the right answer. Shorter sentences are more concise and easier to understand. On the SAT, words or phrases may be unnecessarily added to a sentence. Here’s an example sentence with a redundancy error: Every year, Jane runs the Los Angeles Marathon annually. In this sentence, the word â€Å"annually† means that she runs the marathon every year. Because the sentence starts with â€Å"every year,† the word â€Å"annually† is unnecessary. It doesn’t add any new information to the sentence, and it should be eliminated. Here’s another example of a wordy sentence: George is a person who is angry in nature. This is a corrected version of the sentence: George is an angry person. The corrected sentence conveys the same information as the original but in a much more concise manner. Justin Jackson/Flickr SAT Example Answer choices A, B, and C are redundant. The phrase â€Å"and other countries† already implies that there are other items on the list. The correct answer is D. #3: Use the Correct Idiomatic Expression Idiom questions can be challenging because they don't conform to specific rules. You have to rely on your knowledge of specific phrases and standard English conventions to answer these questions correctly. In most idiom questions on the SAT, you'll be asked to determine which preposition to use in a given sentence. Check out this example sentence with a prepositional idiom error: Incorrect: After getting suspended, Herbert decided to focus at improving his behavior. Correct: After getting suspended, Herbert decided to focus on improving his behavior. There is no rule to learn to help identify this error, but the correct expression is "focus on." SAT Example The correct expression is â€Å"as a means of,† and the answer is B. Study the idiom questions from the practice SATs, and review my article on SAT idioms to prepare yourself. Enokson/Flickr #4: Keep Verb Tenses Consistent The general rule regarding verb consistency is that verbs should remain consistent in tense or form throughout a sentence. Here’s an example of a consistency error: Last week, Frank rented a car and drives to Las Vegas. The verb â€Å"drives† should be in the past tense. Not only should â€Å"drives† be consistent with the past tense â€Å"rented,† but also the phrase â€Å"Last week† indicates that this was something that happened in the past. This is the corrected version of the sentence: Last week, Frank rented a car and drove to Las Vegas. Also, on the SAT, the verb tenses of surrounding sentences can provide context clues for the proper tense to use in a given sentence to maintain consistency. Here’s another example of a consistency error: Trenton lives in a rural area. He enjoyed the peace and quiet. The shift from the present tense â€Å"lives† to the past tense â€Å"enjoyed† doesn’t make sense in context. Here is a corrected version of the sentence: Trenton lives in a rural area. He enjoys the peace and quiet. SAT Example In this sentence, the verbs â€Å"is† and â€Å"serves† indicate that the underlined verb should be in the present tense. Answer choices B and D are not present tense verbs. Answer choice A is wrong because the â€Å"it† is redundant. The correct answer is C. #5: Surround Non-Restrictive Clauses and Appositives With Commas The SAT tests a number of comma rules, and these are two that you need to know. Relative Clauses: Restrictive vs. Non-Restrictive Relative clauses are dependent clauses that describe a noun and start with a relative pronoun or adverb like â€Å"who,† â€Å"that,† â€Å"which,† or â€Å"where.† The basic rule is that restrictive clauses shouldn’t be surrounded by commas and non-restrictive clauses should be. What’s a Restrictive Clause? Restrictive clauses are necessary to the meaning of the sentence. You can’t take a restrictive clause out of a sentence without effectively changing the meaning of the sentence. Here’s an example: Students who read regularly are prepared for the SAT. If you remove the clause â€Å"who read regularly,† the meaning of the sentence would be substantially changed. You’d be left with â€Å"Students are prepared for the SAT.† Because you can’t remove the clause without changing the meaning of the sentence, this clause shouldn’t be surrounded by commas. What’s a Non-Restrictive Clause? A non-restrictive clause isn't essential to the meaning of the sentence. If you got rid of the clause, you'd have less information, but the overall meaning of the sentence would remain the same. Here's an example sentence with the non-restrictive clause underlined. Joe’s parents, who constantly call him, are very overprotective. The clause â€Å"who constantly call him† adds more information about Joe’s parents, but if it were removed, the meaning of the sentence would be the same. There would be less information about Joe’s parents, but they would still be described as overprotective. This is what the sentence looks like after removing the non-restrictive clause: Joe’s parents are very overprotective. What Is an Appositive? An appositive is a descriptive phrase that doesn't include a verb. Similar to a non-restrictive clause, an appositive can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. Here's an example with the appositive underlined: Val, a Wisconsin native, loves fried cheese curds. If we get rid of the appositive, the sentence still has the same meaning: Val loves fried cheese curds. Fried cheese curds are rather delicious. Kirk K/flickr SAT Example In this sentence, â€Å"the centerpiece† is an appositive that adds more information about the mural. Because appositives must be surrounded by commas, there should be a comma after â€Å"centerpiece.† Immediately, we know that A and C are wrong. In answer choice D, the dash can be used like a comma, but you can’t separate a clause with a comma and a dash. There would have to be a dash after â€Å"mural† for answer choice D to be right. The correct answer is B. #6: Commas Can't Separate Two Complete Thoughts A comma splice is when two independent clauses, or complete thoughts, are separated by a comma, and comma splices create a grammatical error known as a run-on sentence. A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses aren't separated by the correct punctuation. Here’s an example of a comma splice: Ken likes Selena Gomez, she is his favorite singer. The clauses before and after the comma are complete thoughts that could stand alone as sentences. There are a few ways to correct a comma splice. You can put a conjunction after the comma: Ken likes Selena Gomez, and she is his favorite singer. Also, you can put a relative pronoun after the comma: Ken likes Selena Gomez, who is his favorite singer. Finally, you can use a semicolon to correctly separate two complete thoughts: Ken likes Selena Gomez; she is his favorite singer. Who doesn't like Selena Gomez? (Lunchbox LP/Flickr) SAT Example This is an example of a comma splice. The sentence up until â€Å"legs† is a complete thought that could stand alone as a sentence, and the rest of the sentence starting with â€Å"they† is also a complete thought. Both A and B are comma splices. Answer choice D is wrong because a conjunction is needed to connect â€Å"are characterized† and â€Å"are covered.† The correct answer is C. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! #7: Semicolons Separate Two Complete Thoughts Semicolons function like periods; they separate two independent clauses. You should be able to replace semicolons with periods. On the SAT, you may find a randomly placed semicolon, or you may need to replace a comma with a semicolon to fix a comma splice. Here are example sentences with semicolons used correctly and incorrectly: Incorrect: Because Teresa wanted to please her family; she became a doctor. Correct: Teresa wanted to please her family; she became a doctor. The second sentence is correct because the clauses on both sides of the semicolon are independent and could stand alone as sentences. SAT Example The clause before the semicolon is not a complete thought; therefore, the semicolon is being used incorrectly. Answer choice C unnecessarily adds â€Å"and,† and answer choice B is wrong because it places a colon after a dependent clause. The correct answer is D. #8: A Colon Must Come After an Independent Clause Colons are usually used to introduce lists or explanations. The key rule for colons is that they must come after a complete sentence. If you end the sentence where the colon is placed, the sentence should make sense and be a complete thought. Incorrect: Meena enjoys multiple genres of music like: alternative, rap, heavy metal, and country. Correct: Meena enjoys multiple genres of music: alternative, rap, heavy metal, and country. The first sentence is incorrect because the part of the sentence that comes before the colon isn’t a complete thought. SAT Example Becausethe clause before the colon is a complete thought and it's setting up a list, the colon is being used correctly. The types of people listed after the colon are the narrator's colleagues. Because "colleagues" isn't part of the list, you can't substitute the colon for a comma. Also, you can't use a semicolon in place of the colon because there isn't a complete thought after the punctuation. The correct answer is A. Colons do more than just form an essential part of the happy face emoji. #9: Use Apostrophes Correctly to Form Possessives The SAT tests you on how to use apostrophes to correctly form possessives. Luckily, the rules for forming possessives are pretty straightforward.If the word is singular or plural but doesn’t end in â€Å"s,† then you add an â€Å"s† after the apostrophe to form a possessive. Here are a couple of examples: I shall be paying a visit to the men’s restroom. My computer’s monitor is rather dirty. To create a possessive for a plural word that does end in â€Å"s,† just add an apostrophe after the â€Å"s.† Check it out: Juan thinks his parents’ rules are too strict. Also, only use apostrophes for possessives or contractions. Contractions are formed when you combine two words. Examples include it’s (it is), don’t (do not), and isn’t (is not).Don’t use apostrophes to create plural nouns. SAT Example Because the body is is being discussed in general terms, we should use the singular possessive in this sentence; the sentence is referring to the biological clocks of the body. We can immediately get rid of A because â€Å"bodies† is a plural noun; it’s not in the possessive form. Also, answer choice B is wrong because bodies’ is the plural possessive form. Additionally, there shouldn’t be an apostrophe after the â€Å"s† in â€Å"clocks.† Don’t use apostrophes to form plural nouns; only use apostrophes for possessives and contractions. Similarly, answer choice D is wrong because of the apostrophe before the â€Å"s† in clocks; the correct answer is C. #10: Subjects and Verbs Must Agree Subjects and verbs must agree, meaning that you must use the singular form of a verb with a singular subject and the plural form of a verb with a plural subject.Here’s an example: Incorrect: High school students loves learning grammar rules. Correct: High school students love learning grammar rules. If the verb is in the present tense and the subject is in the third person (he/she/it/they), the verb usually ends in â€Å"s† in the singular form and doesn’t in the plural form. In the example sentence, the subject is â€Å"students,† which is plural; therefore the verb should be in the plural form. On the SAT, subject verb agreement questions can be more difficult because there may be a phrase separating the subject from the verb. Check out this example: Incorrect: The members of the committee meets every Tuesday. Correct: The members of the committee meet every Tuesday. The subject of the sentence is â€Å"members,† which is plural. Therefore, the verb should be in the plural form. The prepositional phrase â€Å"of the committee† separates the subject from the verb. If a verb is underlined on the SAT, make sure that you identify the subject that corresponds with that verb to ensure that the subject and verb agree. Also, keep in mind that a subject can never be part of a prepositional phrase. SAT Example To determine if there’s a subject verb agreement error, we have to identify the subject that corresponds with the verb â€Å"portrays.† What portrays animals? The works of art do. The phrase in between the commas separates the subject from the verb. The subject is plural because â€Å"works† is plural and â€Å"of art† is a prepositional phrase. The plural form of â€Å"portrays† is â€Å"portray,† and the correct answer is C. Answer choices B and D are not plural verbs; â€Å"portraying† is a gerund that would create a fragment, and â€Å"has portrayed† is the singular form of the present perfect tense. #11: Modifiers Must Be Next to What They're Modifying The general rule regarding modifiers is that they must be next to what they’re modifying.The most common type of modifier error on the SAT is a dangling modifier.When a sentence begins with a modifying phrase, the introductory phrase must be immediately followed by a comma and then the noun the phrase is describing. Here’s an example of a dangling modifier: A determined writer, Jessica’s goal is to get her first novel published this year. The way the sentence is written makes it seem like Jessica’s goal is a determined writer. There are a couple of ways to fix the sentence. You can place the noun that is being modified right after the comma: A determined writer, Jessica has a goal of getting her first novel published this year. Or you can place the subject in the introductory phrase: Because Jessica is a determined writer, her goal is to get her first novel published this year. SAT Example This sentence makes it seem like the visitor was dotted with pin-sized knobs. Logically, the sentence should indicate that the drawers were dotted with pin-sized knobs. Similarly, answer choices B and C are misplaced modifiers that infer that the there was a visitor dotted with knobs. The correct answer is D. #12: Pronouns Must Agree With Their Antecedents in Number This rule means that a plural pronoun must refer to a plural noun and a singular pronoun must refer to a singular noun.Here's an example of a pronoun number agreement error: Kristin sold their car. The pronoun â€Å"their† is referring to the car of Kristin. Because Kristin is one person and â€Å"their† is a plural pronoun, this sentence has a pronoun agreement error. This is the corrected version: Kristin sold her car. SAT Example It’s easy to make a careless mistake on this question because you may see the singular pronoun â€Å"it† and assumed the underlined pronoun should be singular as well. However, the pronouns have different antecedents. The word â€Å"it† refers to 1-MCP, which is singular, and â€Å"their† refers to apples, which is plural. The possessive pronoun agrees with the antecedent, and there’s no error. Answer choice A is correct. Answer choice C is a singular possessive pronoun, D is the contraction of â€Å"it is,† and B is a homophone of the correct answer, but it’s the wrong word. Other SAT Writing Grammar Rules While the rules I explained are the most often tested on SAT Writing, there are some other grammar rules that will be tested. Here are links to other articles that explain the remaining grammatical rules you need to know for the SAT. These are articles for ACT English, but again, because the two sections are so similar, you can use these articles to prepare: Punctuation Everything You Need to Know About Commas Relative Pronouns Pronoun Case Run-ons and Fragments Parallelism What's Next? In addition to the grammar questions on SAT Writing, you need to know how to correctly answer style questions. Learn about add and delete, transitions, and macro logic. Also, because ACT English and SAT Writing are very similar, make sure to read this article about whether to take the ACT or the SAT. Finally, as you're preparing for the SAT, learn the pros and cons of different test prep methods. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Writing and grammar lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sampling Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sampling Methods - Assignment Example For a health based proposal such as the one the researcher is currently working on, the population shall be made up of respondents from a hospital setting where the researcher shall have access to both care givers and service users. In this case, the care givers shall be nurses whiles the service users shall be the patients who receive care from the selected hospital. For a hospital as a research population site, there are certainly going to be a very large number of respondents that the researcher cannot interact with straight away. For this reason, a sampling method shall be instituted to select a hand-full of respondents. The sampling technique to be used shall be a purposive sampling technique. Generally, a purposive sampling technique is suitable for qualitative research as it offers the researcher the opportunity to select only a specified group of people whose description meet the variables set (Wolcott, 1994). Using a purposive sampling technique would ensure that the researc her does not interact with people whose presence may not be very meaningful to the research. The purposive sampling method shall be use by using the hospital folder of patients in an identified ward to select the best group of patients who meet the variables that will be outlined for the study. Commonly, purposive sampling is criticized for not guaranteeing internal validity because the researcher shall have some levels of manipulation of the respondents and could adjust the selection process to suit the hypothesis set (Trochim, 2006). This shall however be addressed by ensuring that an empirical data analysis technique is used. Ethical issues may also arise when respondents are forced to be part of the sample size once they are selected by researcher. This shall be addressed by ensuring that it is only respondents who express willingness to be part of the study shall be included.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Rubber Ducky Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rubber Ducky - Research Paper Example The administrator’s system should have enough security that no one can physically interact with it and plug the USB stick with it. The physical access to an unauthorized person is strictly prohibited in the office environment (Pajari, 2014). The program keyboard is developed in it. The Rubber Ducky can alter the settings of the system and can open the doors for illegal access. All this work is done in seconds and can make a great loss of the secret data of the concerned organization and business. It can create files, and delete files from the system and also can deliver emails. All this can make a huge loss with the data of a particular company. In such situations, the backup is essential to recover the secret information and to protect from the severe situations. The ducky can bypass many tricks and easily makes it by the system’s keyboard, like the key combination of Ctrl+Alt+Delete. There are no direct symptoms that can detect and display the existence of USB Rubber Ducky and its functions. It could be predicted from the increased speed of the keyboard. The passwords set for security and protection must meet the standard format of a high security that is harder to be matched by the USB Rubber Ducky. To make it disable, the feature of foreign HIDscan provides protection from the USB Rubber Ducky to some extent. The changes made in the group policies can lead the process to fail. Some typing performed on the user side can also stop the processing of ducky in failure mode. Must programming that can aid in the protection from the Ducky. In the Linux, the procedure of making USB devices into black and white list can help to stop the ducky processing. If the concerned system doesn’t respond to the ducky due to different reasons like time difference, delays, and active windows can make the ducky fail to process (Hak5 Forum, 2010). In this paper, protection measures are only able to protect the system in specific

Monday, November 18, 2019

Impact of Technology and Community Policing on Eliminating the Street Essay - 1

Impact of Technology and Community Policing on Eliminating the Street Gangs - Essay Example Since the entry of the technology in the market, the police force has been able to improve the security levels in the streets and public parks. In an example, through CCTV cameras and other technologies, it has become possible for the police to react on time, an aspect that has played a significant role in reducing cases of murder and extortions in the neighborhoods. This is an indication that the government and the people need to embrace the use of technology in curbing crimes and crime related activities. For instance, the police need to shift from the use of the traditional methods of communities and instead start the use of social media in order to receive the grievances from the residents. This would play a significant role in ensuring that there is no vacuum in the society which can be used by the gangs to terrorize the locals. In addition, it would enable the police to be up-to-date with what is happening. Moreover, such technology would be significant in providing a platform where the law enforcers can interact and share ideas on how to improve the security in the area. The local people are the ones who are affected. As a result, they might give options or ideas on how to eliminate the street gangs in the society. Street gangs exist in areas where there is no effective coordination between the law enforcers and the local population. In many cases, citizens accuse the law enforcers of complacency, especially when dealing with petty issues. However, when young generation is brought up in lawless areas, they are likely to fall into the acts of the gangs. Therefore, the parents and the police need to work together in order to ensure that all people are safe. This cannot be achieved when there are blame games between the police and the public.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Muhammad A Revolutionary Prophet Theology Religion Essay

Muhammad A Revolutionary Prophet Theology Religion Essay To both the Muslim faithful, the name Prophet Muhammad is not alien. Previous to his birth, many kinds of religious beliefs and practices reigned supreme but he came with another definition of what faith in Allah truly is. His beliefs can be truly referred to as revolutionary. According to general school of thought, revolutionary refers to the overthrow of an established government by those formerly under its authority (The Harcourt Brace School Dictionary: 628). It could also mean great change in a condition (The Harcourt Brace School Dictionary: 628). The transition of America from the monarchical political system to new governmental foundation for the colonial states was as a result of values gathered from years of being enlightened due to deep thoughtful period is correctly referred to as revolution whereas a revolutionary refers to an individual who is involved in effecting the radical change. The prophet of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, was truly a revolutionary. Major spheres of life such as religious, social and political received a new meaning due to the philosophies Prophet Muhammad brought into these areas of life. Many events concerning him were penned down by some scholars: many shared belief in some of these writings while so many people were also in doubt of these. Some even called him Apostle of Allah Ibn Ishaq -(Muhammad ibn Ishaq (d. 767 or 761) (justislam). Prior to Islamizing Mecca, there were many tribes which was headed by the tribe known as Quraysh and accumulated much of its wealth from the tribes that would make pilgrimage to Mecca which was an important holy site for the polytheistic religions of the nomadic Arabs. As at then, The Arabs worshipped spirits associated with natural features such as stones and trees (William: 26). When the Prophet Muhammad brought one of the most important part of Islam, Tawhid which is translated as (Uniqueness and Unity of God), this message principle coded in this message immediately challenged the existing religious beliefs because it completely disapprove the worship of other tribal idols. Tawhid is contained in the 112th chapter of the Quran. It is to be noted that Quran is the holy book of the Muslims and contains divine message to the people (sufibooks). Prophet Muhammads messages really did not go down well with many people. These people were already entrenched in theory local beliefs that they (the Meccan elite) saw him as a revolutionary leader espousing an ideological message that threatened their social, economic, and political dominance. (Mir Zohair Husain : 45). The theological tenets of Muhammad was so strong that he left no stone unturned when he purify it by smashing the polytheistic idols (Frederick: 66) when he entered Mecca and approached Kaba. All his messages are already contained in the holy book (Darultawhid). Considering the fact that Islam is a holistic way of life its religious tenets present quite a number of social repercussions. The Prophets message of Islam was revolutionary on this front as well. Muhammad made it know to them that the Arabs pre-Islamic social life was referred to as the period of jahiliyya or the period of ignorance. Because of this ignorance, Peoples allegiances were absolutely to their tribe and family irrespective of whether the tribe was right or wrong. A kind of anarchy reigned among tribes because each of them was fighting his own course and that of his tribesmen. (William: 26). Another noticeable thing was that there was also an increasing gap between the wealthy and the poor (William : 27). This was causing strains in the society and made some individuals to be exploited by the elite which is considered wrong by the prophet. In addition to other things, Muhammads first followers were amongst the poor and were at times tortured because they were seen as expendable. The Prophet of Islam strongly countered this with the Islamic injunctions of social justice. Muhammad frequently stated that all are equal before God (Mir Zohair Husain : 46) which effectively eliminated tribal-elder status, socio-economic status and any superiority based on race or physical traits. This was a revolution in the social and political history of Arabia (Frederick: 66) which started with the bloodless victory of Mecca by the Prophet Mohammed (May peace be upon him) in 628. This political change was not simply a reform in the Arabs political life but was a radical shift from self-inte rested tribes made up of families and clans to a more unified nation based on religious orientation. No doubt, in today world, the revolution of Muhammad is still alive since .Islamic revivalism is an explicit illustration of this. The modern movement of Islamism is the re-emergence of Islam as a social and political force to be reckoned with in a world that is dominated by religious, social and political systems that are not in accordance with an Islamic message. Movements based upon the Prophet Muhammads teachings are taking place and are attempting to replace non-Islamic entities. Modern Islamism is also global in scope (Mir Zohair Husain : 55) and targets religious, social and political entities that may have little or no Islamic influence just as pre-Islamic Arabias values were founded on principles which Islamic values challenged. The shift in Arabia is an after effect of Prophet Muhammads message. The Prophets message and cultivation of his way of life in his community would not be such a distinguished force in the world today if it didnt espouse a new, fundamentally different, social milieu. In conclusion, as a true fundamentalist, Prophet Mohammed has proved beyond doubt that his mission is not just humane but divine. From the time of his birth to the situations that surrounded his birth, Mohammed, no doubt has proved that he was a courier of a greater knowledge than the society and environment he met himself. Although the ancient Arabs worshiped their own gods in their own way but Mohammed made it a point of duty to preach divine truth to these people. Quite expectedly, many od these Arabs took it as an insult while so of them understood the thesis of the message Mohammed was preaching but a true revolutionary, he was unshaken and pursued his objectives with vigor. His vigor further gave him the badge of true revolutionary and when he challenged the religious practice as this was true to his nature; fighting a just course. From which angle this great revolutionary is viewed from, he may be not be everything to everybody but he is a true revolutionary to everyone.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ferry Ride :: essays research papers

The passengers on the ferry had nowhere to sit and almost nowhere to stand. Only the ship’s officers ad a little space and this was on the bridge, which, along with the wheelhouse, was situated on a wooden platform erected over the engine-room. Here the captain of the vessel was in command. The bridge and wheelhouse were separated from the rest of the platform by a little wooden gate, secured only with a string catch.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5 The captain was distinguished from his fellow officers by his hat, a black felt trilby punched out into a dome and secured to his head by a silk ribbon beneath the chin. He showed no interest in the proceedings around him. No nautical preparation could hold his attention; instead, he sat at the back of the bridge, sucking on a pipe and deciding who should be allowed to pass through the gate. The competition for his honour, personally bestowed, was all the greater because of the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10 discomforts of standing anywhere else in the boat, by few who applied were chosen. Just before departure a man limped down the quay, leaning on another. The limping man was dressed in blue overalls which were stained with blood that had seeped from a heavily bandaged wound on his head. His face was grey, and he could hardly stand. The captain beckoned him to join the party on the bridge, and he stumbled up the steps and into a corner, where he fell in a heap and bled   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  15 quietly for the duration of the crossing. The ferry tooted its steam horn, the bow-gate was ordered to be raised, and under the direction of a man in an orange vest, the first officer, the voyage began. A few years ago one of the ferried met a large wave in mid-stream and overturned. There were no survivors; by the time anyone on either bank noticed that the ferry was overdue, all trace of it   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   had disappeared. On this present occasion the ferry chugged away from the quay with its bow-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  20 gate still low enough for water to flow over it past the car deck and back to the engine-room. The captain remained unconcerned and continued to suck his pope and gaze ahead while the bow-gate was adjusted and the surplus water slowly drained away. Not long afterwards, the chief engineer, in fact the only engineer, abandoned his post and came   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   to the bridge to dry out.