Friday, February 28, 2020

There is no particular topic, there are 6 questions and the guidelines Assignment

There is no particular topic, there are 6 questions and the guidelines for the , all the questions and guide lines are - Assignment Example Meso economic environment is that environment where the business operates but has limited influence over. Macro-economic environment, on the other hand, include factors that impact an organization, but the organization have no direct control. Understanding these factors is very important for an organization since it makes it possible for an organization to take advantage of the opportunities available and minimize the risks that an organization may encounter. Conducting PESTEL analysis entails scanning these environments to spot and understand the broad and future trends (Burgemeister 2003, p. 13). PESTEL analysis acts as a useful tool for understanding the business environment in which an organization is operating. For example, PESTEL analysis helps organization understand risks associated with market growth or decline. This is important because it help an organization in making a decision as to whether to venture in a given market or not. For instance, before newspaper business can venture in the British newspaper industry, it is crucial for that company to conduct a PEST analysis. The analysis will help the company have a good understanding of the British newspaper industry in light of the politics at play, economic situation, socio-cultural, technological and environmental issues involved. If the PEST analysis shows the British environment to be conducive for business, then the company can go ahead to establish a business in the country, otherwise the company will stop making such a move to avoid risks revealed by the PEST analysis (Burgemeister 2003, p. 15). PEST analysis also acts as a useful business orientation tool. In this regard, PEST is used to establish when the organization or product is with regard to what is taking place outside that might affect activities taking place inside an organization at some point in time (Burgemeister 2003, p. 15). PEST analysis for the British newspaper industry Political Britain is one of the countries that enjoy str ong political stability in the country. The political stability enjoyed in the country has created a conducive environment for doing business. The newspaper industry, in particular, has enjoyed growth in Britain due to political stability. In fact, the British government usually promotes the growth of newspaper since it is used as a means of communicating with the people. Nevertheless, there has been growing move by politicians and celebrities in the country to have control of newspapers. This follows a recent Royal Charter that proposed a regulation of the newspaper industry (IBISWorld 2013). This kind of political interference is posing real danger to the industry that has enjoyed freedom for decades. Despite the move by politicians to regulate the industry, the future of the newspaper industry in the country remains bright. Economical British is one of the countries that have suffered most from the financial crisis accompanied by recession that rocked the country in 2007. The new spaper industry is among the sectors that have been worse hit by the recession. The financial crisis in the country saw many people lose their jobs and the prices of basic commodities skyrocketed due to inflation. This has since resulted in a decline in the number of newspaper consumers in the U.K. Research shows that a majority of those who used to buy newspapers

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

HOW EASY IT IS TO BE FAMOUS TODAY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HOW EASY IT IS TO BE FAMOUS TODAY - Essay Example At some point in their lives everyone thinks that fame is the ultimate prize. This desire for fame has given rise to countless TV shows. So, whether it’s America’s Next Top Model or American Idol, these reality shows will always have an audience because they cater to a very deep desire of the audiences. Everyone sees a little bit of themselves in the participants. Being famous does not seem that bad. Fame is the most powerful resource of the American society. After all, it was Oprah’s fame that landed her in Forbes list of most powerful women in the world. People, who command fame, become the privileged upper class of our society. Fame is greater than sex appeal; it is above charm and charisma. Fame brings with it wealth, appreciation and credibility (Jessup n.d.). Famous people are poised, outgoing and fun. Everyone knows them and wants to be like them. The Hilton sisters and the Kardashian Clan are celebrities. They are simply famous for being famous and thanks to them we know that it doesn’t take talent, beauty or even intelligence to become famous. To become well-known, you just need to be born in a wealthy family that readily indulges your every whim. Of course, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet worked hard to get rich, they are no doubt famous but Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Nicole Richie didn’t work at all for any of their wealth. This method of achieving fame is obviously not for the person who knows the real value of a dollar (Kelley, 2010). Our next lesson in fame is also brought to you by the same people. This may be a shocker, but it seems that sleeping with famous people and making sex tapes is the perfect way to achieve fame and glory in today’s content crazy world. Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian have benefitted extremely well from this phenomenon. Soon after their tapes hit the market, these ladies were glossing up the covers of magazines and getting million dollar endorsement deals and Kim is even