Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Organisational Behaviour - 1542 Words

There are four theoretical approaches of organizational behaviours which are classical, systems, human relations and contingency approaches that used in management but not certain to use just one approach in a company. It is because every company has different circumstances during various periods. But management have to understand about the main features of each approach to make the best decision. Classical Approach Firstly, classical approach emphasis on the planning of the work, the technical requirements of the organisation, principles of management, and the assumption of rational and logical behaviour. There are two key elements in this approach which are scientific management and bureaucracy. For the scientific management, F.W.†¦show more content†¦The final one is McGregor’s Theory X and Y. Under Theory X assumption, people do not like work and try to avoid it. Most of them have to be led and supervised. Under Theory Y, people do not naturally dislike work and do their best to acknowledge personal reward like recognition and appreciation. However, there still are some criticisms on this approach. The Hawthorne experiments have been judged on methodology and do not take into enough account of environmental factors. Also, it may over-simplified of complex behaviours and ignore internal social factors such as the ‘sex power’ differential. Therefore, for the psychological of workers, they can have personal growth in the company as they may have a chance to give an idea on the related work. It will definitely motivate workers to work well. System Approach The third approach is system approach. ‘’ The systems approach to management is a concept which views a company as an interconnected purposive system that consists of several business sections. It is a management approach which enables the leadership to see the company as a unified part or a major section of the larger outside corporate environment.’’ (Rampur, 2011) In a company, even a small part changed may have a crucial effect on the whole company. Therefore, entity should be treated as a complete system but not only affecting one employee or department whenShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Behaviour What Is Organisational Behaviour?1166 Words   |  5 PagesORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR What is organisational behaviour? The study of human behaviour, attitudes and performance within an organisational setting; drawing on theory, methods and principles from such disciplines as psychology, sociology and cultural anthropology to learn about individual, groups and processes. Three different OB perspectives Macro-perspective; the big picture Micro-perspective; the smaller units Meso-perspective; integration and movement between macro and micros Three levelsRead MoreOrganisational Behaviour1292 Words   |  6 PagesOrganisation Behaviour is a study of a people, individuals and a group of peoples thinking, feeling and behaviour in a organisation. That is, it interprets people-organisation relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organisation, and while social system ï ¼Ë†Nwlink.com, 2008). Because most of us work in organisations, learning organisational behaviour is able to help us understand, predict and influence the behavious of others in organisational setting, and trends in organisationalRead More Organisational Behaviour 1534 Words   |  7 Pagesand the behaviour of groups and individuals within them† Derek Pugh’s (1971) This influential definition of organisational behaviour was by Derek Pugh in 1971. Human behaviour is the way people act and react to situations and circumstances, each individual is different, therefore it is essential for an organisation to study human behaviour in order to understand the workforce. By observing and understanding each individual the organisation would improve performance; organisational behaviour can beRead MoreOrganisational Behaviour1989 Words   |  8 PagesCognitive Intelligence (CI) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) are considered to be important individual differences in the field of organisational behaviour and there is a lot of research to support this statement. This essay will critically evaluate both concepts and discuss how cognitive ability and EI are applied in modern organisations. 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Page 1 Organizational Behavior Table Of Content Introduction page 3 Company Background Operational Definition page 4 Current Scenario page 5 Apple and Steve Jobs Current Position of Apple Smartphone Industry Trends page 6 Force Field Analysis page 7 Kurt Lewin‟s Model page 8 Criticism of Lewin‟s 3-Step Model page 12 Conclusion

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